Long Courses

Personal data

Description of handling of personal data

The school needs to collect personal information about students (and their custodians) when they enroll at the school. The school uses this personal information solely for the purpose of fulfilling the school’s obligations as a school according to the Ministry of Culture.

If you are under 18 years old at the time of enrollment, we apply the maturity criterion. It means that you can give your consent because of presumed tacit consent from the custodians that they will not oppose your consent.

The school collects ordinary personal information about a student such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail, nationality, educational conditions and other necessary information to run the school.

The school also needs to obtain a CPR number (Danish social security number including birth date) in order to fulfill its obligations to the Ministry of Culture. The CPR number is used, among other things, to apply for state subsidy, and for the Ministry of Culture to check that the student is not registered at several schools.

The school holds this information eternally to fulfill the school’s obligation in all future to be able to issue a school certificate to a student who has accomplished a course of at least 4 weeks, according to paragraph 15 pc 5 of the law for folk high schools in Denmark.

You may also have provided us with particularly sensitive information such as health information or special diets. This information is kept by the school in Komit and Viggo, which are secure systems produced especially for the free schools in Denmark. Particularly sensitive information such as health and special diets are deleted when the course is over.

At the time of registration, you also have the opportunity to give your consent to the use of images and videos of you in connection with marketing. You can revoke your marketing consent at any time by contacting the office.