Competency subjects

Appearance, Voice and Body Language (in Danish)

Appearance, Voice and Body Language

You will develop your personal impact by delving into these three key elements: Appearance, Voice and Body Language. You will acquire skills that enable you to express yourself clearly and convincingly in a variety of situations.

We explore how to develop your personal style and your views on different topics. We work to define your attitudes and opinions and how they are reflected in your communication.

We focus on mastering your voice as a tool to create persuasive communication. You will learn how to control your tone, rhythm and strength to become a valuable listening post.

We try to understand and fine-tune your body language. We will explore how you can use your body to reinforce your messages and how you can appear more confident and persuasive through body language.

Through this course you will develop your personal power in communication by delving into these three key elements: Style, Voice and Body Language. You will acquire skills that enable you to express yourself clearly and convincingly in a variety of situations.

Let's explore it together!

Throughout my adult life, I have been incredibly fascinated by body language and how it can help to emphasize the messages we have for each other. When we have something on our minds, how can we get it across the ramp with our voice and our gestures. Let’s explore it together!


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