Sports subjects

Calisthenics & Strength


In this class we focus on bodyweight training. We use our bodyweight statically and dynamically as we try to learn the different skills. We use exercise racks, but also make use of other outdoor options.

The approach is holistic. Understanding how to use all parts of the body’s strong muscle chains, and get them to cooperate with the brain and thereby create the needed technical components. Instead of using shortcuts, it is about developing capacity and constantly trying to make the training as efficient and hard as possible.

It is not about the number of push-up reps or planking for 7 minutes, but about finding tools and methods to get the whole body activated and timing the optimal performance. E.g. by allowing enough time between between sets and passes during your training, so that your brain and muscles have plenty of time to develop good activation, or adding a hard eccentric negative phase in the push-ups if you do too many reps.

We mainly use our body weight. We do handstands, pullups, various static positions and other calisthenics skills.

We ensure progression in different ways. We teach you how to use tests or a more pragmatic approach to ensure continued progress.

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