Travel week 38

Surf & Morocco


The surf trip to Morocco is basically a super cool “Hang Loose” surf trip, where we get lessons from local surf guides who know all the perfect spots in the area. We are going to follow the right waves in four-wheel drive vehicles.

By surf here we mean wave surfing – i.e. not windsurfing, kitesurfing etc.


​​​​We will also travel further into the country, where we will experience real Moroccan culture and drive around the desert on ATVs or Dune Buggies.

  • Wave surfing at all the perfect spots
  • The local guides can teach all levels – so you don’t need to have any surfing experiences
  • Desert trip
  • Local culinary tour with markets and cooking
  • Beach fun

It will be an unforgettable trip where we hang out with good friends, experience the local culture, taste the local food and, not least, surf a lot!

There is no requirement for previous surfing experience – anyone can join – regardless of level. The only requirement is that you don’t mind getting wet – the rest will come.

Hang Loose!


Day 1: Take off. You arrive in Marocco to all the new and different odors. Hopefully, we have enough time for a dip in the water.

Day 2 and 3: Surf instruction. We eat breakfast, pack lunches and  leave for today’s surf spot. You will be instructed by local surf guides and will definitely raise your level on the board – as well as enjoy the very special “Hang Loose” atmosphere.

Day 4: Visit to Marrakech. Surf instruction. We eat breakfast, pack lunches and then leave for today’s surf spot. You will be instructed by local surf guides and will definitely raise your level on the board – as well as enjoy the very special “Hang Loose” atmosphere.

Day 5: Surf instruction

Day 6: Trip to the desert. Our guides have arranged a trip where we will experience the unimaginable vastness of the Sahara. We ride ATVs or Dune Buggies and get the feel of what it’s like to live in an area where EVERYTHING is sand.

Day 7: Last round of surf before leaving for home.


A flight to Morocco has a carbon footprint of 1457 kg CO2e per person. When you come to the school, you get the opportunity to make a voluntary climate contribution. The school will double your contribution.


Catch the waves

The surf trip is an excellent opportunity to improve your skills on a board, but it is also a trip, where we get to enjoy each other’s company and experience other cultures. It is going to be awesome!

Jakob, teacher
Thomas Gejl

Experience the culture

I have surfed and experienced Maroccos waves and culture many times and it is a completely unique experience that I look forward to sharing with my students.
The best wave is still ahead, even if you are filled with happiness and adrenaline after a great wave. The feeling of surfing af great wave is like the feeling of falling in love – you feel happy and just want more.

Life is the most wonderful adventure and adventure awaits in Morocco every time I visit. And I look forward to experiencing adventure with you.