Sports subjects



The basketball lessons are mainly about technical and tactical training along with lots of relevant exercises. We work on developing a team and understanding the personalities and abilities of co-players as well as opponents which is important for your performance in basketball. Through internal matches we put all of our training to use.

Anyone can join

Basketball can be an exciting sport for everyone. Our intention at Vejle Sports School is to give everyone who wants to play a great experience with one of the most popular ball games in the world. You are very welcome to join the basketball class at Vejle Sports School no matter whether you are an advanced player or completely new to the game.

The lessons vary between practising technical and tactical skills, but it will also include reflections about the game and knowledge about the history of basketball.

More than sports

Fundamentals are important in basketball. Fundamentals include competencies with the ball such as dribbling and passing, which will be a part of the daily training. The ability to score is also very important and we practise shots and lay ups. We will teach tools that can improve your skills in basketball, and they might also be useful in other contexts outside the sports field. E.g. when using video analysis.

A large part of the lessons evolve around game related exercises. An important goal for the classes is understanding and practising basketball as a game. However, many aspects of the game is also practised through exercises in groups playing 2 against 2 or 3 against 3.

Every semester we look for opportunities to participate in matches and tournaments outside the school or competing against other folk high schools.

Basketball has evolved to be more than just a game. In many countries basketball is associated with a certain culture and lifestyle. The development is part of the history of basketball, which we will also touch upon in the lessons.

Vejle Sports School is located very centrally in Denmark, which makes it possible for us to watch exciting live matches in the best basketball league in Denmark.


  • Dribbling
  • Passes
  • Defense
  • Man-to-man
  • Zone
  • Shots
  • Game related exercises
  • Playing matches (participating in local tournaments)
  • Watch matches in the Danish basketball league
Martin Madsen

Basketball is my greates passion

Basketball has always been my great passion. I have many years of experience as both a player and a coach from the best league in Denmark. Basketball at Vejle Sports School is for everyone. I find it at least as exciting to work with basketball at folk high school level as I do working with basketball on the highest level.


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