Sports subjects

Volleyball & Beachvolley

Volleyball & Beachvolley

The volleyball lessons at Vejle Sports School will develop you as a player. Through varied and inspiring exercises, you will learn to master all elements of the game – serve, backhand, forehand, smash, block and floor defense.

We start with all the basic elements and when we master those, we will focus on team composition, basic tactics and slightly more complicated systems of play to ensure that we all develop as players. We test how far we have come in training matches, internal matches and matches against other sports schools. When the weather is good, we move the lessons outside to enjoy our 3 beach volleyball courts.

Purpose of Volleyball

  • We aim to develop your personal skills and give you insights into the different aspects of the game to make you a better player. The lessons will mainly be practical.
  • We aim to develop your understanding of the importance of team support, the joy of playing and team spirit in volleyball.
  • And hereby develop a more empathic behavior in general.


Volleyball will include the following elements:

  • Technical training
  • Specific technical exercises
  • Game related exercises
  • Physical training
  • Tactical training
  • Systematics of the game
  • Game analysis
  • Coaching
  • Development of personal and communicative skills

We focus on training basic volleyball techniques and understanding of the game to ensure that there is a good flow in the game, and it is fun to play. As we master the basics, we will evolve the teaching to more advanced aspects.

The main purpose of the class is to make you a better player and to experience the joy of playing and being part of a team.

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