Climate contribution project 2024

Sustainable Cooking

Zambia, Eventure
Zambia - bæredygtighed

Sustainable Cooking in Zambia

At Vejle Idrætshøjskole, we contribute to the climate by supporting sustainable cooking in Zambia at the Eventure Learning Community, which is also the place that some of our students choose to visit as part of their stay at our school.

In Zambia, wood and coal are used for cooking. We have created the project to reduce the felling of trees and the burning of wood and coal. Furthermore, the project also prevents respiratory problems for those who cook the meals, as the development of smoke will be reduced.

We can help them cook in a more sustainable way by making the stoves more efficient. Therefore, they can use twigs instead of large pieces of wood, so they don’t have to cut down trees – and at the same time we can reduce coal consumption. We do this by making rocket stoves.

Zambia - bæredygtighedZambia

In Zambia, wood and coal are used for cooking.

It has two major downsides. First of all, it causes a health problem, because it creates a lot of smoke in the kitchen, and especially the women in Zambia often end up with respiratory problems after cooking under these conditions for many years.

Secondly, it emits an incredible amount of CO2e when the primary way of cooking uses fossil fuels. We can make cooking more sustainable by making the stove more efficient so that it uses twigs instead of large pieces of wood, so we don’t have to cut down trees – and at the same time we can reduce coal consumption.

The potentials of the project are:

  1. We can avoid cutting down quite as much wood, and therefore we can preserve more forest, which absorbs CO2e from the atmosphere. Deforestation is a major problem in Zambia at the moment.
  2. We can avoid burning as much wood and emitting as much CO2e into the atmosphere.
  3. We can avoid having to spend as much time collecting wood in the mountains and the bush. The Zambians spend an incredible amount of time on that at the moment.
  4. The project facilitates local development in the area and increased knowledge of how to look after yourself and the environment through more efficient cooking.

Our climate contribution supports sustainable cooking at Eventure Learning Community (ELC) in Zambia, which is a small community similar to our school in Zambia on the bank of Lake Tanganyika.

When you calculate the emission of CO2e from coal and wood used in traditional cooking and calculate how much less CO2e the felled trees would be able to absorb from the atmosphere annually, then 1 year of sustainable cooking compared to traditional cooking at ELC make a climate contribution equivalent to a flight to Club La Santa Sport at Lanzarote, Spain, for about ~12 people.

For DKK 240, you make a contribution that saves the planet ~164 kg of CO2e annually.

This corresponds to about 0.12 of a journey to Club La Santa Sport, Lanzarote.